Midnight Mission
ww.MidnightMission.org Founded in 1914, The Midnight Mission offers paths to self-sufficiency to men, women
and children that are experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles. Every year, The Midnight Mission works to secure toys for homeless and near-homeless children. Santa Claus and his helpers will be granting Christmas wishes to impoverished children as they can select toys of their choice at The Midnight Mission’s Santa’s Village.
For the Troops
www.ForTheTroops.org For The Troops is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to providing members of the American military with “We Care” packages containing basic necessities, goodies, games and—most of all—a show of support. Since its inception in 2005, For The Troops has has distributed more than 100,000 packages year-round to American troops who risk their lives overseas every day—far away from the comforts of home.
Foster Friday Foundation
FosterFridayFoundation.org Foster Friday Foundation was created in order to save the lives of our furry friends. To us, it is extremely important that abused and abandoned animals find the loving home they deserve.
Her Too
www.HerTooBreastCancer.org Due to the exorbitant costs, women often have to wait until they can afford cancer treatment, risking their health and lives. HER too raises funds to help these special women in our lives afford treatment. With all the costs that orbit around breast cancer, it’s more than anyone can handle. The powerful heroines who are struggling with cancer may seem fine on the outside, but inside… there’s an inevitable mental battle happening.